There Goes Gravity, Lisa Robinson

For me, Lisa is one of the founders of covering Rock and Roll journalism…. and one of the best at it. She begins with a chapter on her joining the Rolling Stones tour of 1975 and in 78’; Tours and backstage with Led Zeppelin; her relationship with Michael Jackson; the punk rock scene of the early 70’s in NYC; time with Eminem, Lady Gaga, and others from the 2000s; her conversations, what she saw, exactly, down to the items in the room; interviews with David Bowie, Freddie Mercury; intimate moments throughout her entire career.. it’s all here… and she writes it brilliantly. Lisa makes the reader feel as if they’re tagging along backstage to meet and greet, have a beer, and be a fly on the wall. Musicians live, they die… their ghosts are everywhere… but Lisa makes it known through the decades they keep passing it on, full circle.. and the music remains forever. As it should be.