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Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life, Neil Strauss

I’ve read an article that quoted Neil as saying once he becomes obsessed with something, he’s full bore. This book is a perfect example.. and also why I respect his actions. Nothing of value should be done half-ass in life. You do something without full attention, don’t expect the results your mind has continuously replayed will happen. Strauss wrote this while Bush #2 was president. A time when many thought the apocalypse was coming. Dejavu on today huh? So Neil went all out – survivalist school, gun permits, concealed weapon permits, bought a house in St Kitts to gain a second passport for citizenship, EMT training, CEMP training, SERE training, HAM operator license. You can afford the time and money to do this when you are a very successful author like Neil. I unfortunately am not in his position. If I were, I see much of what he did as a good way to obtain knowledge and experience when TSHTF. What he does find out though is that the most rewarding part is not running away from the chaos when it occurs or will occur, but running toward it – to help, to be of service, to do good, to assist in a catastrophe. We humans are animals, and the actions that many do are sickening to describe and believe. Yes, that causes fear in society. But if you, and you alone, choose to be good and do good, and not play that awful game so many do, life will be more rewarding.


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