1964 Eyes of the Storm, Paul McCartney

I didn’t think the library would have this but much to my pleasant surprise, there it was in the new book section. The first one to check out… a gift. We all know the story of Beatlemania.. at least anyone who enjoys music, so it should be everyone… but what did it look and feel like from the inside, from the four pairs of eyes that lived and witnessed it first-hand? Paul’s photos in this book answer that question. It’s through Paul’s lens, city, by city, from touring regional music venues in Liverpool and London, to performing in Paris, and then finally the historic first trip to the USA to visit NYC, Washington DC, and Miami. McCartney’s photos document 3 pivotal months – Dec 1963 – Feb 1964, and bring a crucial new perspective to this period. The best is you get to read about it in Paull’s own words – looking out at the cultural maelstrom caused by the four young geniuses. You gaze at the photos with the words of Paul and makes you grieve for what has been, but also for the great memories. It's sad, nostalgia can do that to you, but also it's just a fact. We shouldn’t be spending too much time worrying about death, as it's inevitable, so with that, just focus on the love of those wonderful memories. All Beatles fans are sure to be pleased and excited that these lost negatives were found over 50 years later.