Anthony Bourdain Remembered
One of the few TV hosts who actually had something to say that was impactful on the human life. Bourdain was an extraordinary storyteller....

Skeletons on the Sahara, Dean King
A ship from Connecticut leaves port in 1815, the crew on a trading voyage. They get shipwrecked off the coast of Africa, and eventually...

All These Wonders, Edited by C. Burns
Terrific short stories from storytellers. Eye-opening and profound. A book you read and grow from as a person… these are my favorite...

Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
This book covers a topic we should all practice - humility. Most of what I read I’d already either experienced first-hand from others,...

The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron.
Dubbed as a spiritual path to higher creativity hits on some basic principles that you’d think would be second nature to us, but in...

Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer
Have read some duds the past few weeks not worthy of posting, so needed to get back on track… picked one from my own personal library and...

Looking for Alaska, John Green
I haven’t read a YF book in a long time, so thought I’d be a nice change of pace… make me feel young again. I chose this one because: #1...

The Book of Books, PBS
If you’re wondering what books to read, this does a pretty good job on providing summaries of some of the classics, as well information...

Alone On The Ice, David Roberts
David’s been a climber for a long time. I’ve probably read 80% of his books. If I could only write and climb like he does… oh the places...