The Martini Shot, George Pelecanos
Shorts stories based around EC with the novella, The Martini Shot, focuses on life on the set of a TV series with a writer/producer… and...

Shame The Devil, George Pelecanos
The Pelecanos reading barrage continues… and I imagine will do so until I’ve read all his books from the library. The scene begins with a...

The Sweet Forever, George Pelecanos
Yep, I’m on a Pelecanos kick… reading all his books that the library has of him. How can I not -  scenes set in the DMV, he wrote the...

King Suckerman, George Pelecanos
This is part of the DC – 4 book series. Set in DC in 1976 during the eve of the bicentennial and July Fourth celebrations it weaves in...

Humphrey Bogart, Nathaniel Benchley
This book is from my Mother’s library collection. As previously mentioned in another book study I have been on a Bogie movie kick for the...

By Myself and Then Some, Lauren Bacall
I was first interested in reading her memoir because of Humphrey Bogart. I’ve been watching more Bogie movies recently and I was curious...

The Double, George Pelecanos
The next in the series on Spero Lucas – an ex-Marine, investigator in DC, who takes 40% of recovering stolen property – usually cases...

The Cut, George Pelecanos
The start of a new series character in Spero Lucas... with, as always, DC being the backdrop. A veteran from Iraq… young, smart,...

The Pale-Faced Lie, David Crow
This book is so hard to take in as something whole. Like all things, it’s how he saw it, remembered the spoken words, his life bubbling...

What It Was, George Pelecanos
. Book 5 of the Derek Strange series. Begins in present-day 2012 when the book was written and has Derek telling his friend and fellow...