Alone On The Ice, David Roberts
David’s been a climber for a long time. I’ve probably read 80% of his books. If I could only write and climb like he does… oh the places...

Chesapeake Requiem, Earl Swift
This guy can write. His book is about Tangier Island, VA, -- a small community with a long history, that is disappearing into the...

Tribe, Sebastian Jung
If I was only an author, this is a guy I’d emulate. He seeks adventure, but most importantly, compelling stories. Here he writes how the...

Fantasyland, Kurt Andersen
How did America go haywire within its 500-year history? Kurt navigates the history of America, and how “fake news” today is nothing new,...

Wild By Nature, Sarah Marquis
I was put off almost immediately - in the first few pages she describes Mongolia is an unsafe country where “my safety would be...

Mud, Sweat, and Tears, Bear Grylls
Autobiography from his early life – childhood, SAS, Everest, meeting his wife… things that molded his character. Quick read. Bear’s no...

Grunt, Mary Roach
Science with the military. It’s amazing how much technology and money we spend on arming our soldiers, keeping them healthy, sound… any...

The Stowaway, Laurie Shapiro
A teenager has the balls to sneak onboard, get caught, and then keeps trying until he’s successful getting back on the ship and getting...

The Unsettlers, Mark Sundeen
It’s great to read about new pioneers who maintain farms and in search of the simplicity without the technology. It’s called a simple...

American Fire, Monica Hesse
Local - DC writer. I remember when this story came out in the Wash Post several years ago… when I got it delivered. Arsonists wreaking...