Into the Black Nowhere, Meg Gardiner
The second book in her Unsub series. This one begins after Caitlin has completed her training to become an FBI agent, and now she’s newly...

Down and Out in Paradise, Charles Leerhsen
A surprising, and at numerous occasions, disturbing look at the life of Anthony Bourdain. Having mentioned in the past that I am an...

Rogues, Patrick Keefe
Stories written by the writer in The New Yorker of over a dozen years that dive into the world of crime and corruption, secrets and lies,...

The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, Paul Newman
The book looks backward at a time of his life – from 1986 to 1991. Its an encyclopedia of his thoughts and motivations, his conflicts,...

A Man of the World, Gilbert M. Grosvenor
GMG is a neighbor of mine. We live in the same county and our paths have crossed. His entire family has been knee-deep in NGS since the...

Scars and Stripes, Tim Kennedy
I picked this book up because I remember Tim when he fought for the UFC. So, what the hell, let’s dive deeper into what this guy is about...

The Dirty Secrets Club, Meg Gardiner
Her first book in the Jo Beckett series, this is vastly different than her Unsub novels and not nearly in the same realm of written form....

Unsub, Meg Gardiner
As soon as I finished reading Heat 2 (where Gardiner was a co-author), I immediately sought another book of hers. And this one did not...

How to Stop Time, Matt Haig
What if you could live for centuries? That’s our main character, Tom Hazard’s life. The fault of his physical strange-ness, of his body’s...

The Defense Lawyer, James Patterson
Not one of his best to say the least. It’s the story of Barry Slotnick, who was a lawyer in NYC and represented clients in high-profile...