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Joy of Reading


I've always been an avid reader, a passion that has only intensified over the years. During long expeditions, books are my faithful companions, offering solace and entertainment on storm days, rest days, and those moments when sanity seems to slip away. To this day, one of my life’s simple pleasures is visiting the library and checking out a book.

Why I Share My Reading List


My decision to start posting about the books I read stems from a somewhat selfish motive. If these recommendations inspire even one person to set aside their smartphone, power down their laptop, or turn off their TV in favor of losing themselves in a good book for an uninterrupted period, I'll consider it a success. The benefits of reading are truly abundant and far-reaching.

Most of the books I encounter come recommended by fellow readers, admirers, or through magazine reviews. While not every book captivates me—and those that fail to hold my attention often go unfinished and unmentioned—most of the ones that do make it to my list are worth exploring.

An Invitation to Read


I encourage you to embrace the simple pleasure of reading. Find a quiet spot outdoors, perhaps under the shade of a tree or settled in a cozy tent, and immerse yourself in a good book. The world within its pages awaits.


The books discussed below are from my evening, before-bed, reading list.  


In addition to my nighttime reading, I devote hours to exploring books, magazines, and clinical research papers on wellness, mental fortitude, and fitness applications. Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow as a human being.

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