Chronicles, Bob Dylan
I selected this memoir because I wanted to know what all the fuss was about in Dylan’s play within the history of rock. Sure, I know his...

Talk Show, Dick Cavett
His online columns he wrote for the opinion section of the NY Times. These are from 2007-2010. A wide range of subjects including: Pres...

Why Buddhism is True, Robert Wright
An introspective look at Buddhism through Western eyes. What’s fundamental to the Buddha’s teachings is the general dynamic of being...

Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata
A short read. An examination of everyday life through the eyes of a Japanese woman, whose job is that of a convenience store worker. Much...

Year’s Best Sports Writing 2022, JJ Adande
Some great stories in here--- A woman who ran the Badwater Marathon and what she lost and found with her experiences during it…the...

Brief Encounters, Dick Cavett
I’ve always enjoyed having the Dick Cavett show on youtube or tubi in the background while I’m exercising, and I’ve actually read this...